CBCA Notable Lists!

Congratulations to our wonderful authors who have made it onto this year’s CBCA notable lists!! If you’d like to read more about the Children’s Book Council of Australia and see other notable titles please click here!

CBCA Book of the Year Awards Older Readers Notables

Kate Forsyth’s Long-Lost Fairy Tales by Kate Forsyth, illustrated by Lorena Carrington

Look Me in the Eye by Jane Godwin


CBCA Book of the Year Awards Younger Readers Notables

Laughter is the Best Ending by Maryam Master, illustrated by Astred Hicks

We Do Not Welcome Our Ten-Year-Old Overlord by Garth Nix


CBCA Book of the Year Awards Early Childhood Notables

To Stir With Love by Kate Mildenhall, illustrated by Jess Racklyeft


CBCA Book of the Year Awards Picture Book

Afloat by Freya Blackwood, text by Kirli Saunders

The Garden of Broken Things by Freya Blackwood


Congratulations Chris Ames!